A recurring problem I have had with Office 2007 OneNote on Vista is the disappearing Send to OneNote printer. I use this printer to send information from web sites which have a printer friendly link. The link usually pops up the printer selection box, I select send to OneNote and the web page is transferred to my OneNote notebook's unfiled note section. The translation to OneNote is displayed correctly most of the time.
The annoying part is when the printer selection box pops up and there is no Send to OneNote printer. In the past I have been able to bring up OneNote and run the Office Diagnostics under help, however lately that has not worked. I started Googling for a fix, found out that Microsoft seems to be aware of the issue but has no fix. I then stumbled on a post from the Microsoft public forums which described how to create a OneNote Printer. Since then I have created the OneNote printer on 2 machines, and it has not disappeared.
- Add Printer - Local - Do not detect.
- Use the following port: Send to Microsoft OneNote port.
- Select a printer. Select any printer driver, it does not matter you will be changing it later.
- Printer Name: you can choose any name.
- Do not share, do not print a test page.
- Finish.
- Go to properties on the printer and under Advanced click the drop down
and select the Send to Microsoft OneNote driver. - Also Under Advanced select Print Processor and choose the
OneNotePrint2007 and leave as RAW. - Under Ports make sure it's set to the "Send to OneNote" port
- Close the properties and you are set to go.
The instructions were posted by Kelvin Krastel on http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.onenote/browse_thread/thread/58c3b6f451c79f97/3498b7069519c3b5?hl=en&pli=1
Word/Excel 2003 to 2007 command reference
Yesterday, I was at a Microsoft Windows 7/Office 2010 presentation and learned about these publically available flash based interactive guides which look to be very useful. Especially, if you are having trouble finding a command in Word or Excel 2007 you knew how to get to in Word or Excel 2003.
There are also downloadable versions for Word and Excel.
The complete list of interactive guides is here.
In a nutshell the theme that I got from the Office 2010 presentation is collaboration on any platform. That is about all I can say since the details are still under NDA, but I am pretty excited…
Posted by sskarlatos on April 30, 2009 at 08:17 AM in Commentary, Microsoft, Office 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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