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« WWDC Keynote over, what do we have? | Main | AT&T Clarifies iPhone Pricing, but is Currently not Budging on Subsidy »

June 09, 2009


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Chris Beard

I went ahead and ordered the 32 GB iPhone today and went to switch my plan from T-Mobile to AT&T. I have been waiting for this phone (32 GB) for 2 years and am looking forward to only carrying 1 device with me, for phone, music, applications etc. and am excited to get the phone next week. We'll see how seamless the number porting will be. T-Mobile has been bombarding me with incentives to renew my contract, but the lack of 3G where I live (Toledo, OH) and lack of phones I want gave me the final push. Because nearly all of my friends and colleagues are already with AT&T I could get the cheapest family plan and not worry about ever going over in minutes. That means I will probably end up saving money month-over-month (I hope) vs. my current T-Mobile plan. I must say I'm sad to leave T-Mobile, as I thought their network quality (3G excluded) and customer service was excellent, but it wasn't enough to keep me as a customer. Here's looking forward to seeing the FedEx truck next Friday!

Stephen Skarlatos

When I switched from T-Mo to AT&T, AT&T gave me a number which activated the phone, then I called CS and the number port happened while I was on the phone. I was quite impressed. Same here, more and more of my friends and family are switching. Over the last year I found that I have accumulated about 1000 minutes of rollover, which is really handy for those months you go over you base bucket. I only check my usage once or twice a month anymore.

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