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September 30, 2008


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I also have an iPhone and GoDaddy's Hosted exchange service. No matter how many times I call GoDaddy and go through the motions I can not connect to the server. Was there any problems you had. I NEED HELP!!

Stephen Skarlatos

No problem it was very simple. First; did you unlock/jailbreak your iPhone. If you did you could have a bad APN meaning you don't have the right data service to support Exchange ActiveSync. If you are on AT&T you only need to configure your email address as your userid, your password and the server name (Godaddy instruction

Also, are you able to get to your email using OWA and Outlook?


Of course, you can always change your name (though not that easily) , but typically the name you're born with, is the name your stuck with.

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