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February 01, 2008


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Chris Carlin

It sounds to me like a stupid requirement handed down by the content providers.

Multiple iPods sharing a library? Heaven forbid!

Bill Payne

I'm sorry but you actually can use multiple ipods with one music library, and the main reason that apple didn't include the feature for a multi user music program is because iTunes is for your own personal music, and for the most part, 17 year old kids don't want there parents music. Yes, it would have been great to have the feature but there are very easy way's around this if you would use google for maybe 2 minutes tops.

Stephen Skarlatos

I disagree a whole family could have the entire library on one machine. Each family member would have his own login and synchronize the music they were interested in. Each user would only see his playlists which would keep everything well segregated. From a parents perspective they should know what their children are listening to...

None of the solutions found on the Internet fix the library problem where each user has to add to the music to his library manually even though it is already on the system. And when you add you get duplicates which just shows how poor the internal architecture of iTunes really is. Just look at Adobe Photoshop Elements, it monitors folders and pictures are automatically added to the catalog without you having to explicitly perform any action and no duplicates.

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