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September 11, 2007


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I have a wing and and an iphone and I can tell you that if Apple is capable to get the iphone to sync to exchange I then have no use for the wing at all. I can hardly use the wing and stylus after working on the iphone. I was skeptical of web apps at one time but I think I see the future here. Here is a nice list of some iphone web apps.

Thanks for the post. I'm interested in seeing where you go with the unlocking process and if Apple turns around and re-locks the phone somehow. Why Apple shackled themselves to AT&T is beyond me. They have a chance to completely dominate the smart phone market here. That is the reason for the price drop imo.

Chris Carlin

Dantv, I believe Apple had little choice but to find an existing cellphone company to partner with. We've seen how the independent cell companies have worked out in the US... it's not pretty.

Part of it is that Apple needed cooperation of the company to make their system work. The integration they're looking for (the visible voicemail and such) can't be done independently.

Cingular/AT&T was the smart choice, and each made strong demands of the other. It's an interesting relationship.


Chris, iPhones are being unlocked left and right today. What will Apple and AT&T do now?

Chris Carlin

Dantv, why do you think unlocking is a problem for either?

The iPhone unlocking is simply not a big deal. For one thing, note that Apple didn't exactly lock the device down. It certainly could have worked to add layer upon layer of security, but instead it chose to put up minor hurdles and let the thing roll.

And why not? If hackers find new ways to use the device then Apple well sell more of them. Remember, Apple is primarily a hardware company, and it IS selling these things at a profit.

AT&T might be the one to lose if people have unlocked phones, but even this is not a big deal. In the interest of keeping the comment reasonably short, I'll just point out that considering the GSM options in the US, the marketing value of the iPhone alone is tremendous.

So to tersely answer your question, what will Apple and AT&T do? Profit! :)


Chris, Obviously the unlock is not a problem for Apple. But it is for AT&T and they have a 5 year exclusivity deal with Apple. I'm sure AT&T will demand that Apple lock the phone back up with the next firmware upgrade. I'm watching and waiting to see what happens next.

Chris Carlin

Firstly, I think it's interesting that you say it's "obviously not a problem for Apple" since so many people are painting it as one. Is it obvious? Then why do so many seem to believe the opposite? It's an interesting question.

Anyway, let's talk about AT&T. What happens when someone unlocks a iPhone? They basically get the option of T-Mobile in addition to AT&T, but without T-Mobile's main features (MyFaves) and without AT&T's integrated voicemail. Suddenly it's not so great an incentive to jump ship as the alternatives just aren't that much better.

But even without that AT&T gains a lot from the iPhone deal. It is THE service for the iPhone, the one "real" people, "legitimate" people, and (especially) non-cash strapped customers who could afford the device go to. It gains cred from the deal whether or not people use iPhone with them.

In fact, think about the number of people who might buy an iPhone now, unlock it to use it with T-Mobile until their contract is up, and then "upgrade" to AT&T to unlock the phone's full potential. And no, of course I don't have statistics on that :)

As a side note I'd also point out the activation process for the iPhone. If the two companies were that worried about people using the phone only with AT&T perhaps they would have contractually bound people to activate before they left stores. I suspect that the decision to let people walk away with service-less phones hints that neither company cares too much.

iphone unlock

Thanks for the information. I’m starting a iphone blog for work and hope to generate some communication through it.

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