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July 24, 2007


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See, that page pool tweak is definitely something I want to try but it seems a little complicated and time consuming. I'd do it if somebody was willing to walk me through it, though. I don't know if T-Mobile will actually update the thing, so I'll probably give it a try sometime.

Stephen Skarlatos

The process should not take more than 30 minutes. However you should fammiliarize yourself with the tools first. You can educate yourself at no risk through the hex editing process (through step 4), since reading the ROM from the Wing will not impact its configuration. You do not want to write the ROM back (Step 5) to the wing until you are comfortable with the entire process.

The bottom line is that you need to follow the instructions very carefully and do not skip any of the steps.


Thanks! this stuff is very useful. Ive been using my wing for almost a month and i absolutely hate it but i think these tweaks will ease the pain. Is there anyway to disable the talk and ignore buttons(on screen buttons too) while the phone is locked? i use the case that came with the phone and everytime the phone rings the call is either answered or ignored when i pull the phone out of it's case.

Stephen Skarlatos

To get around that problem I use a BT headset, however it looks like Screen Guard may have the functionality you are looking for. It is currently in beta for WM5 and WM6. Here is the link

Mike D

Increase the Call Volume - I'm looking for a hack to increase my call volume on my Wing. I've found a link that takes me into the registry but the channel values are not present..arrrrg! Must be a WM6 thing. Can you offer any help. I'd like the call volume to be greater in my Blue Tooth Headset as well as my ear piece on my phone. Thanks.

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