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« T-Mobile lauches UMA HotSpot@Home service. | Main | My Windows Mobile application list as of June 29th »

June 28, 2007


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How did you get the device lock only to display on bottom of the today screen? I removed the trays since I rarely use them, but that included removing the device lock, which is the only one I was using. Also, it looks like you were able to adjust the position of the battery status display to the bottom. Did you do that, or is that just where it landed? Any recommendations for freeing up storage memory on the Wing. I've already updated the temp int files registry to storage card, and have live search, tot cmmndr, and hndngo on the storage card. Did you axe any apps that came with your wing, or move them over to the s.c.? Thanks for guidance on bat stat.

Stephen Skarlatos

There is a plug in for the device lock, just go to settings/personal/today/items and check Device Lock. Move it down to the bottom of the list. My list starts with Spb Mobile Shell, SBSH Pocket breeze, BatteryStatus, and Device Lock. Mobile Shell has fixed pixel lenght, SBSH is adjustable (I have set to adjust automatically), BatterStatus set to 2 rows, and Device Lock fixed. In the screen shot Pocket Breeze expands automatically in the middle pushing BatteryStatus and Device Lock down to the bottom.

I removed all T-Mobile apps, I reinstalled the latest Windows Live Search to the storage card. You can look at my Windows Mobile Application list. (I will update it tommorow. It shows what I have installed in Storage Memory vs the Storage Card. Currently I am running at 5.9M of available Storage Memory. Bottom line install everything you can to the Storage Card.


I guess I just needed to look with my eyes open for the battery lock. Thanks! I saw the list. I have about 11MB storage memory left and haven't even loaded Sbp Mobile Shell or SBHS Pocket Breeze which I plan on doing now.


Can ring tones be moved over to the storage card and still be used on the phone?

Stephen Skarlatos

Yes. The default ring tones live in \Windows\Rings. You can move them to the \Storage Card\Rings. You can also add new .wma ring tones to this directory. Then you must re-select the ring tone you want in the Phone/menu/options.

The Wing was missing the Old Phone ring I used on my MDA, so I just copied the .wma file to the directory and selected it. That simple.


Ok. I'm slow. Do I need to change any path in the registry for the phone to see the ring tones on the storage card? When I go to options, the ring tones that I moved don't show up...

Stephen Skarlatos

I see what you mean. When I tested it I moved one ring tone file to \storage card\my documents, as it turns out you have to move all your ring tone to \storage card\my documents (no subdirectory). This is too bad from a file management standpoint, but probably worth the 1MB+ storage memory savings.


Worked!! Thanks.


I have put mine in Storage Card\My Documents\Ringtones. The Registry doesn't seem to matter as long as "My Documents" exits. I put ALL ringtones in this folder. You will have to remap any rings that you have set.


oh my oh my you just helped me out a whole lot :) thanks



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