Last weekend I started getting ActiveSync error 86000108 "ActiveSync encountered this error on the server error" on my T-Mobile MDA. I got the same error whether the Direct Push synced via GPRS or I initiated ActiveSync over Bluetooth to my laptop. The bizarre issue with this error is that the synchronization seemed to complete normally and I was able to send and receive messages. The only inklings of a problem were that last synchronization time was not updated to the current time and the "view status" would display the error. At first I thought it was a problem with my hosted Exchange provider After searching for the error on Google and Microsoft, there seem to be no definitive answer to what this problem was.
I contacted support via there help desk system and within 2 hours they replied that this error was usually associated with a corrupted Exchange ActiveSync option on Windows Mobile. I had two choices:
- I could try to turn ActiveSync options on and off on my device until I found the culprit, or
- I could delete the ActiveSync server partnership with Exchange and recreate it.
I chose option 2. I decided to delete the ActiveSync partnership using the Windows XP ActiveSync user interface while connected to my MDA via Bluetooth. You can also perform this function using the Window Mobile ActiveSync without being connected to Windows XP ActiveSync.
- To delete the partnership: in the Windows XP ActiveSync 4.x go to tools/configure server source/delete server. This takes 5 to 10 minutes.
- To recreate the partnership: in the Windows XP ActiveSync 4.x go to tools/add server source. You need to reenter all the server information provided by your exchange administrator or hosted provider.
Once the data was all resynchronized the error disappeared and I am back in a normal state. I was a little concerned about duplicates but I have not found any issues with the resynchronization.
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